1.1 Introduction
1.2 Bits, bytes, words, double words
1.3 Registers
1.3.1 General purpose registers
1.3.2 Segment registers
1.3.3 Status flag registers
1.3.4 EIP - Extended Instruction Pointer
1.4 Segments & offsets
1.4.1 The stack
1.4.2 Stack frames
1.4.3 The Heap
1.5 Instructions
1.5.1 Arithmetic operations - ADD , SUB, MUL, IMUL, DIV, IDIV
1.5.2 Bitwise operations – AND, OR, XOR, NOT
1.5.3 Branching – JMP, JE, JLE, JNZ, JZ, JBE, JGE
1.5.4 Data moving – MOV, MOVS, MOVSB, MOVSW, MOVZX, MOVSX, LEA
1.5.5 Loops – LOOP, REP
1.5.6 Stack management – POP, PUSH
1.5.7 Functions – CALL, RET
1.5.8 Interrupts, Debugger traps – INT, trap flag
1.6 Calling conventions
1.6.1 stdcall
1.6.2 cdecl
1.6.3 pascal
1.6.4 fastcall
1.6.5 Others calling conventions
1.7 C to x86 assembly
1.7.1 Single-Branch Conditionals
1.7.2 Two-way Conditionals
1.7.3 Logical operations - AND
1.7.4 Logical operations - OR
1.7.5 Loops
1.7.6 Function calls
1.8 Reverse engineering tools
1.8.1 OllyDBG tutorials
1.8.2 IDA Pro tutorials
1.1 Introduction
The hardest part of learning x86 assembly in 2013 is finding good tutorials. As the popularity of low level languages decreases the incitement to create fresh up to date tutorials is limited. At the same time x86 assembly is critical in many security related fields such as malware analysis, vulnerability research and exploit development.This document was created to address the lack of tutorials in a fast, pedagogical and cheap manner. While it is not a complete introduction, it addresses enough to prepare careful readers with the necessary knowledgebase to be able to decipher non-obfuscated assembly. And it does so within less than thirty pages.
For pedagogical reasons focus is kept to what the reader assumedly knows about C or C-based languages (like Java or C#). Hopefully this minimizes the confusion that usually appears when people are trying to learn a stack based language for the first time.
Enjoy and let me know if you have any questions.
// Ani